I know this seems pretty obvious. But it kind of made me sick this week. I posted this meme from Joshua Becker on my facebook page:

My brother works for Amazon. His comment?
Brother: " Nooooo
Brother: "You have a different reason then me for your statement."
My brother would sell you death in a bottle if it had high enough mark up. He really would. He doesn't care about you. Nor do the people who produce all of this stuff. their commercials look so nice, like they want to help us or make our lives easier. Lies. All lies. All they care about is their wallets. Remember that the next time you see a commercial or billboard with smiling people plastered all over it.
And in case you are wondering, yes this is the same brother that has so much junk on his kitchen table that his stepson has no where to eat breakfast. I can't imagine what kind of issues he will have with possessions as he gets older.