"Goals move us, and goals shape us. Our goals change us and affect the way we go live our lives." -Joshua Becker
I can't even count how many times I have made goals and never followed through. I don't even remember all of last year's goals. The only goal I do remember making was donating 20 items/ week. I remember that goal, and mostly kept it. I think I made 5 goals. I don't even remember the others. As I sit down to my goal planning session, this year I have goals for my goals.
My goals will be measurable. It does me no good to say I will eat healthier in 2014. At the end of the year, how do I know if I met that goal or not? I need something I can measure. Such as, "I will eat 5 fruits/ veggies each day." Or I will drink 6 glasses of water each day. Likewise a goal that says I will spend more time with my kids is not definable. Instead "I will have a date night with my kids once/ month." Then at the end of the month, you know you either did it or you didn't. And adjustments can be made accordingly. My goals will be measurable.
My goals will be attainable. I would love to lose 8 lbs/ month. I would be done losing weight in 3 months. And it is possible to lose weight that fast. But I do not really think that I have the self control or discipline to keep that up for 3 months. Better for me to choose 4 lbs/ month and know that I won't get frustrated and quit. I want to make my goals in such a fashion, that I am setting myself up for success.
My goals will be challenging. I probably had a goal to save money last year. But the amount that we saved was practically insignificant. This year I will choose a number. And I want a number that is going to challenge us. Not a number that would occur whether I have a goal or not. A number that will make a difference in the way we spend our money every day. We ate a lot of our money last year at fast food and treats at the grocery that were not occurring on grocery day. The balance between an attainable goal and one that will challenge us is tricky.
I will track my goals. Once I set my goals, I will get out my 2014 calendar. I will write "check budget" on the last day of every month. I will choose a Friday night for my sons' date night each month. I will have these reminders in my calendar so that in December of 2014 I won't be sitting here thinking I want to make goals, but I don't even remember last year's goals. I hope this helps me to sustain the momentum that the new year brings to my life.
Have you had a planning session for the direction you will take in 2014? Won't you join me in this endeavor to end next year better than this one?
....oh yeah. I found last year's goals. Donating 20 items/ week wasn't even on there. Nor were there any financial goals. In fact I met none of my goals at 100%. Shameful. Next year, I will do better. I have attainable, measurable, challenging, trackable goals. I will update you on Jan 31st on how they are coming.
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